This morning, I walked a winding trail inside a dense coastal forest. I am fortunate to live right here, so near to this primal natural world, to feel the wildness of nature so close at all times. This place is sacred, it is a verdant unfolding of dappled greenery nestled alongside a narrow stretch of coastline thatContinue reading “Deep Forest: Inward Perambulations of Love”
Wild Flower
Heavy rains have descended into the dry Karoo desert in recent months.The ground has been saturated, caressed by the touch of the clouds, a rare tryst in this arid land where the sky is selfish with gifts of water. The sweet drink served to the body of the earth has momentarily quenched her insatiable thirst.Continue reading “Wild Flower”
Set aside your thoughts and bring your attention to this page. Sit for a moment and be still with me. I want to share with you a story of the birdsong at dawn and the secrets it tells: It is barely light outside—the crack of dawn. First light reveals the faint outline of the distantContinue reading “Birdsong”
A Walk in the Mountains
This morning I walk in the mountains. I feel like abandoning life and beating a path of rugged undulations into the mountain, to erase the outside and explore the vast, empty wilderness inside this dark and fertile void of my being. The morning mist descends, sinking gracefully below the mountain peaks that rise above it likeContinue reading “A Walk in the Mountains”
A Story About Dying
It is not often that you get to die. I tasted death once. It was excruciatingly beautiful. The taste of death turned me inside out, the vast emptiness of my existence laid bare. All vestiges of my small self dissolved into absolute darkness. Ground zero, the void. Honestly I was expecting to see the light.Continue reading “A Story About Dying”
Last night I dreamed of Poseidon. He, the great god of the sea and the rivers, said to me: “I give and I destroy.” Blue-eyed tempestuous raging power and strength. You are terrifying. Powerful. I woke up from this dream still feeling the presence and power of the god inside me. Some dreams do that.Continue reading “Oceanus”
The world today doesn’t recognize it’s spiritual seers. We used to place immense value on these people, we gave them a central place in our communities as conveyors of the wisdom from the subtle planes. This time on earth where seers are no longer recognized is one of the signs of a darkening and constriction inContinue reading “Visionary”
Trailing Oneness
Oneness is the common thread that binds all of humanity across time and space. Oneness is the flow of light within all living systems that has been present since the inception of the world. It is the sweetness that existed before the honey, the fragrance that was present before the rose. Oneness is the livingContinue reading “Trailing Oneness”
She Is Art
I sit on a hillside overlooking an expansive estuary. My trusty old tent and I are hidden in a campsite that borders a bird sanctuary. My mattress is laid out and I am sleepy, but I have words to write. I am alone. On my headphones I listen to the lecture of a respected spiritualContinue reading “She Is Art”
Salmon Shadows
There was a shamanic secret being whispered in the wind this morning as the clouds rose up above the mountains and wet the earth with their scattered drops. It tasted like a magic spell that sighed… “remembrance”. The spell coaxed a memory from the recesses of my unconscious, from way back before the burnings, toContinue reading “Salmon Shadows”