
The world today doesn’t recognize it’s spiritual seers. We used to place immense value on these people, we gave them a central place in our communities as conveyors of the wisdom from the subtle planes. This time on earth where seers are no longer recognized is one of the signs of a darkening and constriction in the evolution of the consciousness of humanity.

A vital thread
Without seers we limit our access to the regenerative properties of divine wisdom because we deny the subtle inner worlds a living symbiotic thread with humanity. This relationship between humanity and the inner worlds is like a tree: the roots of a tree lie buried beneath the surface of the earth and they draw nourishment from the fertile darkness below. Their leaves draw nourishment from the sunlight and transmute it into vital life energy. You cannot cut the trunk from a tree and expect it to grow, regardless of how much light its leaves are receiving from the sky or how much nourishment its roots receive from the soil.

Seers offer us access to the wisdom of the inner worlds, the inner feminine wisdom of the earth and keep the relationships that nurture the growth of our culture alive. They are the roots that reach down into the dark, fertile depths of the inner worlds and wrestle out the nutrients that nurture and sustain us. They also are the leaves that capture the light of the sun and bring it into this world of form, into the body of humanity, the body of earth. They weave the light of heaven and earth, connecting the threads, holding the balance between the two aspects of our being.

This is a little understood and hardly remembered truth that it was the seers who weave the light between the inner and the outer, creating patterns that hold and nourish the growth of our culture. It is less understood how the seers, unbeknown to humanity, weave the light between the worlds and by this act allow our current to exist in harmony with the world around us. Without these hidden spiritual workers holding the balance between the worlds our culture will collapse, dying from the inside where the light that feeds our collective soul is no longer present. Humanity, driven by scientific rationalism, eliminated this understanding of the world from our collective consciousness and this is why we now stand at the brink of a radical ecological catastrophe.

The seers can be though of as those who steer our collective evolution, guided by the wisdom of the gods, weaving the sacred threads of light into life itself that it may grow and thrive. What a terrible fate awaits our world when we no longer listen and learn from the wisdom of our seers.

Oracle, seer, visionary and prophet
History has been shaped by those who have experienced powerful visions. Major events that have shaped humanity stemmed from seers who took to implementing their revelations into the world. Ancient wisdom gained from visionary states, and the truth it helped reveal, spans the entire history of humanity, passed in a golden chain from one mystic to another.

Thoth, the ancient Egyptian scribe, was thrown into a world of visionary wonder and birthed the first seeds of wisdom that gave birth to Western civilization. The Greeks claimed he was the true author of every work of every branch of knowledge, human and divine. Thoth drew his wisdom, the sum of his knowledge, from the visionary states reached deep in the underworld and he gave these to humanity, this creating the ancient civilisation of Egypt.

The ancient Greek philosophers would not have existed were it not for their oracles. Pythia, priestess to Apollo at Delphi, and the oracle of Dione and Zeus at Dodona in Epirus were the source of their wisdom. It was not clever men adept at analytical thought and reasoning that suddenly developed wisdom from nothing. It was wisdom that was first given by the oracles and then later interpreted and birthed into this world as the great founding secrets of Western civilisation. The fathers of Greek philosophy such as Empedocles and Parmenides performed elaborate sleeping rituals in which they visited the spirit realms and conversed with the gods of antiquity in order to access this wisdom of the divine. From these conversations with oracles and gods they gave us logic, philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine.

The bible is littered with accounts of people receiving communication from God through dreams and visions. In the old testament these visions and dreams were considered so important and their absence was a cause of great concern for the ancient Israelites. The transcendent was accessed through dreams and visions and these sacred dialogues were treated with great respect.

Mohammed’s prophetic visions have altered the course of human history. He heard the voice of the angel Gabriel tell him that he was a messenger of God. This developed into a lifetime of religious revelations, which became the Quran, the foundation of Islam.

Genghis Khan claimed that he had many dreams sent from Tengri, or “The god of eternal blue sky”, who told him that the world would one day kneel before him. 

Carl Jung, a modern messiah, journeyed with the ‘spirit of the deep’ and gathered the remedies for the collective symbolic nourishment of the Western psyche. The birth of Jungian psychology ostensibly held the potential for the spiritual awakening of Western culture.

A new deism
Yet today we act as though revelation is something belonging to an ancient past and not worth consideration by an educated mind. Science has become our prophet, our messiah, our truth. We worship peer-reviewed studies, objective measurements and the proof of things that we can see and touch. We fear that which our ancestors claimed to be the source of their wisdom, inspiration and decision-making. We fear the primordial source of all wisdom. These are tales of a forgotten history of the modern world and the fact that they have forgotten the gift of revelation is a sign of our desperately impoverished inner world. The stories of the seers are the lifeblood of humanity, our collective sacred source of rebirth and renewal.

Our terrible fear of all things other than a Newtonian world has led us to believe that science is Truth. We have given away our access to the imaginal worlds, the unconscious depths, the fertile darkness. We have blacked out the mystery inherent in creation for the sake of science. 

We are multi-dimensional
Logically there is an absolute certainty that we are not the only civilization of sentient beings in the universe. Nor is our objective world, the world we can see and measure, the only thing that is real. Our universe is alive with possibility. Like a fractal, all forms exist within an endless variation to infinite ends. Similarly, if we follow logic and ask it to lead us to truth, there are multiple unseen dimensions too. Our experience of the world is but one dimension, one tiny realm of possibility. The inner dimensions, the worlds that exist beyond form are as vast and as varied as the physical universe. There are many dimensions that our ancient forefathers knew only too well, the dimensions of the Gods.

And here we are. We exist, of that we can be sure. We share in the experience of being human but are terrified to look beyond the physical veil. We refuse to look deeper into our collective and universal psyche, to bow down again to mystery, to put science to use where it has validity whilst we marvel at the inner worlds. 

Speaking to gods
In ancient times we had a relationship with dreams and visions, but today we are disembodied spirits experiencing a shallow and utterly superficial fragment of the human condition. Yet our world is still filled with people experiencing visions, having prophetic dreams, of trans-dimensional communication with beings from other realms, both angelic and godly. The stories these people tell are vast and deep treasure troves of knowledge. But we discount these tales as nonsense. Leave these tales to the artists and fob them off as crazy.

Our modern spiritual traditions are built entirely from those human beings who claimed to speak to the gods. There are countless detailed accounts of direct revelation, direct experiences of these mystical prophets that walked the earth not too long ago. The very source of all cultures on this earth are epitomized by spiritual traditions that describe a living relationship with the gods. Yet somehow we deny our ability to communicate with the divine, with the spiritual, the transcendent, the angelic, the otherworldly. And look where we are now. What fruits has our supposed scientific enlightenment brought to the world other than desperate inequality and rampant materialism that is eating the earth alive?

For all our greatness in science, medicine, engineering, art and music, why are we so terrified of the transcendent and otherworldly?
Why do we guard our material world so closely and yet give everything transcendent away?

Material fixation
There is something dreadfully wrong with the global collective mind and soul. Our world is increasingly devoid of the wisdom of the soul, devoid of spiritual leaders and prophets who have been ignored. Somehow we have managed to make life all about ourselves, about individualization and about everything but spirituality and this is why we are dead, dying and on our way to out. This global culture is a failed civilization that has given up its soul purpose.

We live, eat and breathe a materialistic world which is devoid of spirituality and the transcendent and so we have cut ourselves off from myth and imagination, from the possibility of even hearing the messages from the spiritual world that may be trying to communicate something valuable, something needed in this time.

Materialism is the culture of the earth today. It dominates all aspects of the world. We have no collective wisdom for how to take care of the soul, not for our own soul or for the soul of the Earth, of life. We don’t have a collective story to tell other than that the earth is falling apart under the weight of our materialistic fixation. That is the story of our time: global ecological catastrophe as a direct result of our materialism, perpetuated by a humanity without a spiritual purpose and connection.

The brink of decay
We are at the brink of decay. The earth has reached its tipping point. Not only will we lose the ecological balance of the planet, but we are effectively killing our very own children. The primal forces of nature that we have ignored through our stubborn attachment to materialism are going to rise up and kill us, preparing a barren earth for our children to inherit. When our children die, then nothing remains of us or our lineages. We will be the fossilized remains of a species that once again rose up from this planet and then got wiped out.

By all accounts of forbidden archeology it would seem that humanity has done this before. We have reached great height of civilisation and then lost it all to ecological collapse. The difference this time is that humanity has singlehandedly brought the collapse upon itself and what’s worse is that we are vehemently denying it.

Today we have stepped even one step further from the truth. We now live in a post-truth era, where even science is questionable, where truth is constructed through an extremely complex system of media and marketing.

Perhaps our collective call has been for the Ahriman to lead us. Perhaps instead of the oracles we have chosen a different source of wisdom. We live in the era of the Ahrimanic deception, the title of a Rudolf Steiner lecture one hundred years ago. As he said: “Ahriman is the power that makes man dry, prosaic, philistine — that ossifies him and brings him to the superstition of materialism.” As Steiner went on to say “Ahriman will appear in human form and the only question is, how he will find humanity prepared. Will his preparations have secured for him as followers the whole of mankind that today calls itself civilized, or will he find a humanity that can offer resistance.”

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